
Any information on this website does not constitute legal advice.  This website does not form a paralegal-client relationship, nor does it intend to.  We are not in any way liable for any consequences arising from any reader's attempt to rely on this information.  Nor any other text and links on this website for the purpose of legal advice.  The reader is encouraged to contact us or seek services of any other competent legal professional about their matter.  No confidential documents shall ever be sent to the Paralegal without first retaining the paralegal's services.

When we notarize documents, we will scan a copy of your government issued photo identification and your notarized document(s).  The information will be held securely on a secured database.  The information will be held for ten years.  

If you request to have a copy of your document(s) sent to you via email, we will not be liable for any hacking/ phishing.